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Ethiopian Metrology Institute and German Institute of Metrology held a discussion on a project planned.

The Ethiopian Institute of Metrology (EMI) and the German Institute of Metrology (PTB) recently engaged in discussions regarding a project focused on the pre-harvest and harvesting stages of agricultural products. PTB, known for its longstanding and robust partnership with EMI, discussed how the Ethiopian Institute of Metrology could provide support for a project aimed at benefiting the agricultural sector in Ethiopia.

During the opening of the discussion, Mr. Ukeme, the representative of the German Institute of Metrology (PTB), highlighted that PTB is currently conducting a feasibility study for a project aimed at supporting agricultural improvement in specific areas of Ethiopia. The project focuses on crucial aspects such as seed quality, water and soil treatment, and enhancing mechanization to boost agricultural productivity. Recognizing the paramount importance of these variables, PTB has actively engaged in discussions with the Ethiopian Metrology Institute (EMI) to explore intervention strategies within the project. Following this, extensive discussions have taken place between the groups representing both EMI and PTB. These discussions involved the sharing and examination of potential project ideas, aiming to identify effective approaches and solutions.

During the discussion, the Deputy Director of the Ethiopian Metrology Institute (EMI), Mr. Fikreab Markos, expressed his recognition of the project's significance. He emphasized the importance of supporting agricultural production, which plays a vital role in enhancing the agricultural products of the country. Mr. Markos specifically highlighted the value of positive intervention through viable calibration activities for the measuring instruments involved in the project. This underscores the need for accurate and reliable measurements to drive agricultural improvement.

Subsequent to the fruitful discussions between PTB and EMI, where potential project ideas were exchanged, both institutes agreed to further develop the discussed topic in their own respective ways. This indicates a shared commitment to advancing the project and exploring ways to effectively implement the proposed interventions. The decision to meet again reflects the ongoing collaboration and dedication of both institutes to contribute to the agricultural sector in Ethiopia.