Mass Calibration Laboratory
Ø The mass laboratory have the following duties
ü Maintain the traceability of the national mass measurment standards of the country
ü Disseminate mass calibration to other calibration laboratories and industries
ü Give training
ü Provide Consultancy and support
Ø Calibration room no.- 012-with area 16 m2
Ø Comparators
ü The laboratory have 6 digital electronics mass comparators(non-authomatic) with different resolution(0.0001 mg to 0.01 g)
Ø Calibration bench –The laboratory have
ü Seven stable granite stone table
ü 2 stainless steel table for the stability of comparator balances
Ø Standards – The laboratory have
ü Two OIML E2 class standard weights with range 1 mg to 10 kg
ü One OIML F2 class working standard weights with range 1 mg to 10 kg
ü Three OIML E2 class single standard weights with nomial value 20 kg
ü One OIML E1 class standard weights with range 1 mg to 5 kg (not yet accredated)
ü Other additional weights
Ø Equipments -The laboratory have
ü Sartorius susceptometer with a range 2g to 50 kg to check the magnetic properties of test weights.
ü Enviromental condition data logger to control T,P &H of the room
Ø Scope of accreditation & CMC- The laboratory have accreditation with
ü weights of OIML class F1 and below with a range of 1 mg to 10 kg
The accreditation procedure is to determine the conventional mass of weights using substitution weighing method(ABBA weighing cycle) in accordance with OIML R111-2004.
ü Free nominal value weights with a range 1mg to 10 kg and we determine the true mass of the weights.
ü In both parameters the laboratory have accredated by the German accreditation body DAKKS based on ISO/IEC 17025, 2005; and we know ready to reassess in the accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
Ø Future Plan- The laboratory plan to
ü Upgrade our scope of accreditation from 10 kg to 20 kg F1 class weights. Here we have three 20 kg E2 class standard weights with their recent certeficate.
ü Upgrade from F1 to E2 class weights and already have E1 class standard weight with the range 1mg to 5 kg.
ü We must fulfil facilities, accomodation and training to be accredated with E2 class weights.
ü We must participate with subregional interlaboratory comparison and registor new as well as best CMC.