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Core business area

Ethiopian Metrology Institute is established to achive  the following Core business areas

  1. Transform existing traditional measurement instru­ments into modernity through introducing interna­tional system of units and by enabling to use other acceptable measurement instruments in the coun­try;

  2. Determine and maintain national measurement etalons;

  3. Establish national metrology laboratory and pro­vide calibration services;

  4. Support industries in establishing their own cali­bration laboratories through providing theoretical and practical training and consultancy on metrol­ogy;

  5. Based on other countries best practices, provide support in building the capacities of universities and research institutions in curriculum designing and implementation process and conducting re­search in the field of metrology;

  6.  Publish and declare to the public measurement units to be used in the country, symbols of the measure­ment units and national measurement etalons;

  7. Represent the country’s interest in international fo­rums regarding metrology and follow up the imple­mentation of treaties to which Ethiopia is a party

  8. Participate in the calibration result inter comparison program with other national, regional and international metrology insti­tutes intended to ensure the reliability of calibration services;

  9. Work in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders to ensure the existence of an integrated support for strengthening the na­tional quality infrastructure;

  10. Conduct research in the field of metrology in collaboration with universities and re­search institutions and disseminate the re­sults thereof to industries;

  11. Establish a documentation and informa­tion center for the provision of metrology related information;

  12. Provide the necessary technical and profes­sional support so as to make the legal me­trology activities effective;

  13. Provide consultancy services on selection and acquisition, handling and use, main­tenance, repair and disposal of scientific equipment;

  14. Provide training for scientific equipment users on procurement, handling and use, maintenance, repair and disposal of scientific equipment

  15. Support scientific instrument user institution in establishing their own maintenance workshops through providing training and support and issue certificates for trainees